Tuesday, March 18, 2014

When You Fall Off- Getting Back On

You guys,
The last ten days have been one lazy money decision after another.
We had family in from out of state and how easy is it to say "who wants some coffee!?" while we are out in the cold wind and rain. x4 x $15- $20 each time. Yuck.
Then how much easier is it to pick up some fancy food on the way home so no one ( a.k.a. I) don't have to cook or clean up afterwards.
In my defense- the whole family was ill until the day before our visitors came. I didn't have a whole lot of prep time, and what little I had was spent preparing our home.
It was humbling to see how quickly our new habits toppled.
And doesn't it seem like once you make one mistake, the others just keep getting easier and easier?
This week, we are back to normal, and so are our money decisions. Can't help feeling a kind of budget hangover.
It is important to move on and forgive yourself. There is naught to be done.
I think it is also important to share the failures as well as the triumphs in this process.
It happened. Let's move on.
For the record we did have a lovely visit, and I think it is very important to indulge your guests when they are in town.
I just wish it had been more intentional and less impulsive.
There's always next time though!

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