Monday, April 21, 2014

7 /#48walks

A bit out of order, but this was 7/#48 walks.

I feel like getting my kids outside and exploring is a gift, and hopefully a way of life for them in their future.

We live in such a gorgeous place. 

Monday, April 14, 2014

Quotes and Motivation

Worth it.

8/ #48walks : Catching You Up

This run/walk was taken just round my neighborhood. It was the strangest of circumstances: I had no kids with me. Just my dog and I.

I was having a rough day, and I am trying to get better about creating boundaries. 

My husband took the kids out to frozen yogurt and park time, so I could "Run silent, run deep". 

Which of course ended with me walking around taking photos to cool down.

If you follow me on Instagram you will have seen these photos already. If you aren't- lets be friends! @_lourab_ 

I have taken a few walks since this one, and will get them up here this week, to get all caught up.

Have a great week!