Friday, January 10, 2014

Budget Quotes and Motivation: Think of Your Future Self


They have been with me all my life.

Not because I grew up in an "alternative way",  with little money but a whole lot of land. (I did)

Not because we were  sometimes broke and really struggling.   (We were)

It is because, well, I like them

When I was 13-16 I remember fantasizing about college. Getting out on my own,  what would that look like?
I would collect the newspaper, grocery adverts, my parent's utility bills, and a calculator. I would lock myself in my room, turn on my radio, and research. (My dad would be on the only good computer in the house at the time)

I would find an apartment and a job in the paper. Then I would calculate how much groceries, and utilities would cost. I would look into colleges around town and see what a semester might cost. I would add that in too.

I would get a solid amount. I would reach a happy balance. I would feel really quite pleased with myself that I had it all figured out. It was a great comfort at that time. I knew when the time came I would make it just fine.

It still is a great comfort.
It is not always easy, though.

This year we have made travel a priority. To do this though, we will have to follow a pretty strict budget.
I know many people who hate to budget. Who are vexed by it. Or derailed by impulses, (this coffee is good NOW, it wont make a difference if I save $3.00 at home).

I feel like budgets are of utmost importance. They create guidelines and boundaries. They ultimately give you so much more autonomy.

It may feel like the budget is in control for a while, but every step closer to the goal makes a difference. Even if it is only a tiny step forward,  forward is the right direction.
In fitness, and in finance, here are a few go to reminders.

Sometimes saying no to something now, feels even better when you remember you are  saying yes to something in the future.

Be patient.

The control you show today directly affects the freedoms you will have tomorrow!

Set your limits and respect them.

Do not let your today self rob your tomorrow self.

Here's to staying in control!

Are you still on board with your budget resolutions for this year?

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